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Community Press Offer

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Print services

A wide range of print services from SRP are on offer
Our range of pre-press, print and finishing equipment enables us to prepare and deliver a wide range of printed documents, including

Design services

A wide range of design services from SRP are on offer
Great print goes hand in hand with great design and we have expanded our design services to meet the needs of our customers.

Thank you for the wedding invitations. We have had great feedback on the design and print. Another amazing example of professional print and customer service from SRP …

Environmental Profile

Every business – big or small - has an effect on the environment. A local company such as SRP impacts on its local surroundings in a number of ways as well as making a difference nationally through its decision making in areas such as paper sourcing and waste disposal.

Our commitment as directors of SRP is to run our business in a way that is as environmentally responsible as possible. We also encourage our employees to take an active interest in our activities in such important areas and welcome their suggestions on how we can improve our profile on an ongoing basis.

SRP Design & Print is committed to continuous environmental performance and, in particular, we will:
  • Comply with environmental regulation, prevent pollution and improve our performance in these key areas
  • Work with those individuals and organisations that have an interest in SRP and its environmental profile and performance
  • Develop our staff’s interest in environmental issues and encourage them to adopt good environmental working practices
  • Minimise waste in all forms and, wherever practical, re-use and recycle all materials
  • Ensure that SRP’s environmental performance is the responsibility of a director of the business.
  • Advise and encourage our suppliers and customers to work with us on all matters involving responsible environmental practices

We recycle all our waste materials including paper, cardboard and aluminium plates.

Working with reputable paper suppliers, whenever possible we buy paper stock from companies that use wood from sustainable forests and that clean the pulp using a process that is elemental chlorine-free.

We are a registered member of the Woodland Trust - the UK's largest Woodland conservation charity.
Woodland Trust- Woodland Carbon Scheme
SRP Design and Print is offering customers and their clients the opportunity to capture the COemissions from their paper purchases by planting native woodland, right here in the UK, through the Woodland Trust and the Woodland Carbon scheme.
  • When you place your print order you may elect to capture the carbon from the manufacture and distribution of the paper
  • The amount of CO2 generated in the production and delivery of your paper is calculated
  • The Woodland Carbon logo may be used in conjunction with the print job to demonstrate your commitment to using reduced CO2 paper
  • All Carbon Capture charges will be paid to the Woodland Trust who will plant woodland at one of their accredited woodland creation sites in the UK
Paper Stock
Our coated house stock is Respecta or UPM finessse. Our uncoated house stocks are Inspira, Target & UPM Fine Offset. All of our house paper stocks are certified as coming from a sustainable source. All waste paper is collected from our factory and recycled.

We also offer a range of 100% recycled uncoated as well as partly recycled coated papers. 

Print plates
We use a Computer-to-Plate (CTP) system which reduces the use of film and the chemicals needed for this process. Our plate-making machinery uses no chemicals. 

Wooden pallets
These are stored and collected for recycling.

Company vehicles
We use modern, fuel efficient vehicles that are regularly maintained. We carefully plan our delivery routes to minimise the amount of CO2 emissions.